The Word goes HTML!

                  By Andy Bolt (HTML Version Bloke)

Yep,  the  worlds  greatest  disk  mag  is now available in html format,
letting  you  read  it  conveniently  on any computer!  It is available,
along with the disk version, from the Word Download Site at:

Issue  15  was  sneakily  released  in html format, but TW16 is the full
blown  affair,  including  a  choice of music if you're running Internet

All  the  articles  are automatically converted to html, but if you want
them to look prettier you can send in a html version alongside the usual
word  formatted  article.  You can include links, and pictures up to 30K
per  article.   But make sure they work in Netscape 2 and/or IBrowse, so
no fancy frames or Java.

You can send articles/comments to me here:      Or after 14/9/97:

                          14 Station Road       8 Gifford Place
                          Greenmount            Muttley
                          Bury                  Plymouth
                          Lancashire            Devon
                          BL8 4BJ
